
Thanks for checking out my blog. I will be posting tips on psychic development and spirit communication as well as my thoughts on the subject. And I am very excited to now be adding "Messages From Spirit" to my blog. These are messages that I receive from your loved ones who have crossed over. I will post them monthly so be sure to check back to see if one of them is for you!

Psychic Medium Cyndy

Psychic Medium Cyndy
Spirit Medium, Psychic Intuitive

Spirit Connection

with Psychic Medium Cyndy DiBeneditto

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sacrifice? Karmic Debt? Life Lesson?

Have you been feeling like you keep giving and giving and giving? Are you feeling like you aren't getting enough in return? When I have these kind of days I write a gratitude list. I write down everything that I am thankful for no matter how small it may seem. By the time I am done it is clear to me how much the universe gives back to me in every area of my life. So if it feels like you are sacrificing, paying a tough Karmic Debt or learning a challenging life lesson, try counting your blessings... they are many... and they are divine gifts that you deserve.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for that inspiring and easy to do message today. I've heard it said gratitute removes the ego.
