
Thanks for checking out my blog. I will be posting tips on psychic development and spirit communication as well as my thoughts on the subject. And I am very excited to now be adding "Messages From Spirit" to my blog. These are messages that I receive from your loved ones who have crossed over. I will post them monthly so be sure to check back to see if one of them is for you!

Psychic Medium Cyndy

Psychic Medium Cyndy
Spirit Medium, Psychic Intuitive

Spirit Connection

with Psychic Medium Cyndy DiBeneditto

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hide and Go Peek

It is so easy to hide.. from our own passions, the people that mean the most to us in our life and our community. We create our own little space and we stay in there. After all, it is a safe place to be… But.. it is also limiting. There is a whole world waiting for us in every person we meet, in every place we go, in every thing we see. All we have to do is take a peek. A quick look outside of our comfort zone and test the waters. You’ll be surprised at the hospitality of the universe. And besides, you can always head back to your safe place whenever you feel you need to. Have a welcoming day....

Monday, June 28, 2010

Is it time to Move On?

I have been giving serious thought this past week to what serves me in my life and what doesn’t. It’s amazing how much time I spend trying to work things out in many different areas of my life. What I am realizing is that maybe I am not supposed to try and work things out or fix them to my liking. If it takes too much effort I take that as a sign from the Universe that it is not on the path for my highest good. I am better off moving on. Is there something in your life that you are holding to too tightly? Something you are trying to fix but no matter what you try, you just can’t seem to? Where can you move on?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Messages From Spirit June 22, 2010

For Joan: This is your mom here. She is Jewish and holdng out food in her hands. She said she wishes your would eat more… you never liked to eat especially when you were a kid. She passed with a heart attack and I am feeling like she had this heart problem for quite some time. She sends you her love and wants you to know that she is watching over you. Try to get along better with your father. He is a bit stubborn but he loves you very much.

From David: I want to send love to my sister. She is a great person and I appreciated all that she did for me. I am thanking her for helping me with my wheel chair and keeping a close eye on me in school. I know this whole thing was hard on you. You gave up a good portion of your teenage years taking care of me. And you didn’t have to. I love you for that. But know that I am really happy now, no wheelchair and it is your time! You need to shine now and I will be watching you and cheering you on. Maybe nursing isn’t really your passion?. Think about it.

From R… Rod … Rog?? He is short, medium build… kind of stocky. He is bald on the top of his heard. Smiling.. nice guy. He wants to let his wife know that he never meant to leave so abruptly. He said that he worked at that place for years and never had any problems… it was just an accident. Try not to keep holding on to the events of my death. It is eating away at you. Remember how we used to go to Shiller? Shilling? Street and take that walk? Go do it again. I know it is a drive buy it will make you feel better. I love you very much.

For Dorothy: I am here and doing just fine. You were my wife and I wasn’t honest with you. I was depressed for a long time and I didn’t say anything. I didn’t plan to take my life the way that I did. It was a last minute decision and I regret it. But you are doing great now. I am so happy for you. Keep dancing.. and know that I am with you always. And I love you very much. I am so proud of all the courage that you have.

From Tom: He is about eleven years old. He ran to me and took my hand and was leading me to a school playground area. His is wearing a blue shirt with a necktie. He is a very polite and well mannered boy. He is showing me a group of boys on the school ground and they are fighting.. one of them has a gun or knife?? and Tom got in the way. It was a shock to everyone because the school never had anything like this happen before. He misses you mom and dad.. and he is always around you. Give his little sis a kiss for him.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Are you claiming your joy today?

In this economic climate and the condition of our planet, you might be wondering how I can ask a question like this? It can be hard these days to find joy, so we have to make an extra effort to look for it. It is easiest for me to find it in the smallest details. I feel joy when I, see the way the sun hits the roses on my front lawn, see the way my dog cuddles with her snoopy stuffed animal, smell the gumbo that my partner so carefully crafts... the list can go on and on. When I look at the details of my life I find joy in abundance and it takes no effort whatsoever for me to feel the happiness that is my birthright. Take a moment today to notice the tiniest details of your life.. You know what they say about what comes in small packages… Have a joyous day...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Messages From Spirit June 15, 2010

From Sarah: I want to talk to my daughter Kelly. Tell her I am doing fine and it is amazing here. No more pain! And they don’t make fun of my shoes here… by the way you can throw those old things out! Plenty of laughs around them. Tell the rest of the family especially Tom that I am watching out for him. Look for the green car … It’s the right one.

From Rob. Tall thin guy with dark hair. I just recently crossed over and I wanted to let my parents know that I am fine. I didn’t feel a thing. The car just hit me really fast and I didn’t even know hat was coming. The paper they are looking for is in my jean jacket pocket. I love you both and I am only a moment away.

From Rose. I am wanting to let the people know at hospice that I really appreciated everything they did. They took a huge burden off of my daughter during the last month I was on earth. Bless everyone and I will see them all again someday.

To Jenny: This is Ham? Hams?. I wanted to let you know that I am sorry that I never said the things that you needed to hear. I made you feel overlooked and unappreciated. I loved you very much. Try and remember some of the joy we had together when you were very small. I am also sorry that I didn’t leave you anything. Ask your mother about my pin. I want you to have it. The one with my initial on it. I love you very much.

From Michael: He is very tall and thin, blonde and smiling a lot. He wants to tell his friends that he had the best times with them out at the lake. There was nothing anyone could have done for him. He had a blood disease and was ready to leave. He wants Pete, (or someone with the letter P) to know that he always carried his photo on him. He loved him and didn’t know how to tell him. Tell my mom I am doing fine and I am not skinny anymore.

To Drew: I have a male figure here and he is telling me that you have the gifts from him. This feels like a grandfather on your Dads side. He is really talented man in the music field. He is happy that you still have the sheet music that he used to use from the 1930’s. You even play his favorite song. A remake of a classic song. He likes the arrangement. He loves listening to it. I love you very much and I am watching over you all the time…

From Melanie: Please tell my husband that I am no longer suffering. He spent way too many nights reading to me by my bedside and I appreciated it. Tell him that I loved the Jane Ayre book the best. He will understand. He can get rid of all my books now. No need to keep them. He will always be in my heart. I am doing fine and I am with him always.

From David. David is very young.. eight years old or so. He is with his sister. I am getting that they both passed in a car accident. One of them died instantly and the other lingered on for a day or so in a coma. They are very beautiful.. both blonde or dirty blonde hair and very playful.. They are close in age not more than a year apart. Please tell my mom we are fine and happy and waiting for her to get here when it is her time. David says he got another fire truck now just like the one he had at home. The little girl is holding a doll, looks hand made and she never lets it go.

Is Your Sacral Chakra Out to Lunch??

When we use our creativity we bring life to every situation or task. Since the universe is ever expanding and since we are one with it, then it makes sense to me that we can’t help but be creative and that the universe DEPENDS on us to be creative. If you find yourself feeling bored, stuck, frustrated, unmotivated etc, you can try being creative in your approach to your daily routines. How can you infuse your day with adventure? What little thing can you do differently? How can you express yourself in a new way? Go for it… have a unique day!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sacrifice? Karmic Debt? Life Lesson?

Have you been feeling like you keep giving and giving and giving? Are you feeling like you aren't getting enough in return? When I have these kind of days I write a gratitude list. I write down everything that I am thankful for no matter how small it may seem. By the time I am done it is clear to me how much the universe gives back to me in every area of my life. So if it feels like you are sacrificing, paying a tough Karmic Debt or learning a challenging life lesson, try counting your blessings... they are many... and they are divine gifts that you deserve.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Messages From Spirit June 8 2010

Hi Everyone,
Here are the Messages From Spirit for this week. Feel free to let me know if you resonate with any of them. Blessings....Cyndy

From Belinda: I am sorry that I left Mom, but I want you to know that I was prepared. I was not afraid and I understand that you couldn’t be with me. It was impossible for you to juggle everything at the time. Don’t worry. I am fine and I love you very much. Take care of your heart. Also, it is time to let go of my clothing but keep the blue shirt!

To George: This is your mom. I miss you and our talks together. Be sure to get your car fixed. I was there the other day when it broke down. It is not fixed properly. Your Aunt says hello as well. We love you and are always with you.

From Brian: I want to let my sister know that I love her very much. We are still as close as we ever were. I am with you all the time, even when you are at school. I am very proud of the work you are doing in grad school. Hang in there… you were always the one with the brains. I love you very much.

From Loretta: Please tell my mom that I am fine. I left abruptly. The accident was not my fault and I am so sorry that it happened . We never got a chance to say goodbye. I don’t want you to keep feeling guilty because I was on my way to see you. There are no real accidents. I was ready to leave. Thank Uncle Carl for me for trying really hard to get me that job I wanted. I will see you both when you get here… I am only a moment away.

From Suzanne: I want my children to know that I am fine. They grew up so fast. Let them know that I see the grandchildren and they are wonderful. The little girl is going to want to play the piano soon. Let her. It is her destiny. You can move on now and know that I am fine. I love you very much

To Harry: This is your wife. I am hearing the song by the supremes “Baby Love”. Somehow this song is significant for your both. You must not feel guilty about moving on. You deserve to be happy. We will always be together. Let yourself enjoy life again. By the way, I really like Anna.

From Gail: I am so sorry that I didn’t get to finish what I started. I want my brother to know that we could have never been able to be in business together. We would have butted heads and it wouldn’t have been good for our relationship. Don’t be afraid to strike out on your own. Don’t let mom and dad hold you back. You love the automotive industry and your ideas are great. I’ll be watching out for you. Love you

From Georgette: I have a small child here no more than 8 years old. She has very long hair and is very sweet. She wants me to tell her mommy that she is having so much fun with with her dog. She is handing me a daisy and saying that she really appreciates all the flowers you bring her when you visit. She wishes that grandma wouldn’t cry so much because she is really fine. She is dressed in a pretty long dress and is running barefoot. She is laughing because she says that mom wouldn’t let her do that.

From Bill: Just let my wife know that the cigars aren’t hurting me here. He is laughing as he is saying this! Funny guy. Tell her I love her very much my dear one. I wish my job didn’t keep me away from home so much. Know that I didn’t feel any pain from the heart attack. I didn’t even realize what happened and I am ok. I am waiting for you… enjoy your life